Markdown (md) Cheatsheet

Markdown (md) Cheatsheet

Cheatsheet of markdown

1. Headings

  • (#) Heading 1
  • (##) Heading 2
  • (###) Heading 3
  • (####) Heading 4
  • (#####) Heading 5
  • (######) Heading 6

2. Bold, Italic and Strike

- (**Text**) or (__Text__)         Bold Text
- (*Text*) or (_Text_)                  Italic Text
- (~Text~)                                    Strike Text

3. Code Block

Single Line Code :

('Code')                This `var` is a variable.

Multiple Line Codes :

(```Code Block```)

body {
               color : #1f1f1f;
               font-size : 50px;

Block Quote :

(>) Before the text

Link :

[]()    where    [Text to display as link] (websitelink "text that comes when we hover over link")

Example : [LCO]( "LCO Wesbite")

4. Paragraph

Anything we write normally is a paragraph in markdown.

5. Lists

Ordered List :

  1. Apple
        Use Tab key for nested list:
         1. Domestic
         2. Foreign
  2. Mango
  3. Orange

Unordered List :

  • Apple
  • Mango
          Use Tab key for nested list:
           - Domestic
           - Foreign
  • Orange

6. Adding Image

![Text to show if image is not available](image link or from local storage)

Example : ![LCO](c/images/lcologo.png) LCO

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