1. Repository Creation
To create a new local repository from start :
$ git init
To clone a existing repository :
$ git clone your_url
2. Repository Observation
Shows new or modified files not yet committed :
$ git status
Shows the changes made to files :
$ git diff
3. Branches
List all local branches :
$ git branch
List all local and remote branches :
$ git branch -av
To merge branch_a into branch_b :
$ git checkout branch_b
$ git merge branch_a
To tag the current commit :
$ git tag <my-tag>
4. Changes
To stage the file ready for commit :
$ git add <file-name>
To stage all changed files ready for commit :
$ git add .
To commit all staged files to versioned history :
$ git commit - m <message>
To commit all tracked files to versioned history :
$ git commit - am <message>
To show full changed history :
$ git log
5. Push, Reset and Status
To push local changes to remote repo :
$ git push
To push all of the tags to the remote repo :
$ git push --tags <repo-name>
To unstage a staged file :
$ git reset <file-name>
To reset everything to last commit :
$ git reset --hard HEAD
To get the current status of the repository :
$ git status
6. Pull
To get latest changes from remote repo
$ git fetch
To get latest changes from remote repo and merge
$ git pull
7. Help
To get help when in doubt
$ git help
Thanks for reading my article on Git Basics Cheatsheet. In this i tried to cover only basics one. Kindly leave your feedback inside comment section below.